Speaker Profile
Bernd Biervert
Head of Unit, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, European Commission, Belgium
Dr. Bernd Biervert is Head of Ecological and Social Transitions Unit in DG Research & Innovation. He is responsible for, among other tasks: co-ordination of the R&I contribution to the European Green Deal (including the ‘Fitfor55’ package); lead and coordination of the R&I contribution to the New European Bauhaus; co-ordination of H2020 and Horizon Europe Cluster 5 and 6; Transition analysis; Dissemination and Exploitation of research results.
Mr Biervert has previously served as Deputy Head of Cabinet in the Cabinet of Vice-President Maroš Šefčovič - Energy Union, and in the Cabinet of Vice-President Maroš Šefčovič - Interinstitutional Relations and Human Resources, but also as Member of the Cabinet of Commissioner Ján Figeľ and Maroš Šefčovič - Education, Youth, Culture and Citizenship, and various other European Commission Services.
He has a legal educational background (University of Freiburg/Germany, Institute for European Law, Senior Assistant, University of Freiburg/Germany, Institute for Constitutional and Administrative Law, Junior Assistant) and is a qualified Judge.