Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME)
Budapest University of Technology and Economics (“BME”), founded in 1782, is one of the leading research universities of Hungary and is well-known for its scientific results abroad. Being ranked among the best 200-900 internationally means being among the top 2-6%, which definitely makes BME part of the world’s elite. The eight faculties of BME have their individual characteristics but they all aim at outstanding educational results. The qualified professionals have strong technological and scientific base knowledge and economical skills and are also able to apply structural approaches to various processes. Past years have proven that degrees from and the knowledge and skills obtained at BME are a valuable passport to the work market. BME considers its task the pursuit of theoretical research into the deeper context of basic issues in natural sciences, as well as issues raised by the engineering profession and economic players, and to find practical answers to these questions.
Priority research areas:
Sustainable energy
Intelligent environment and e-technologies
Autonomous driving, transportation and logistics
Biotechnology, health and environment protection
Nanophysics, nanotechnology and materials science
Disaster prevention: modern engineering methods
We believe that the twofold approach of combining theory and practice must be applied to both our academic and research activities.
Available Programmes
Engineering & Engineering trades
7 semesters
3200 EUR / semester
Engineering & Engineering trades
4 semesters
3500 EUR / semester
Engineering & Engineering trades
4 semesters
3500 EUR / semester
Engineering & Engineering trades
3 semesters
3800 EUR / semester
Engineering & Engineering trades
3 semesters
3800 EUR / semester
Engineering & Engineering trades
4 semesters
3500 EUR / semester
Engineering & Engineering trades
8 semesters
4500 EUR / semester
Engineering & Engineering trades
8 semesters
4500 EUR / semester
Engineering & Engineering trades
8 semesters
4500 EUR / semester
Engineering & Engineering trades
8 semesters
4500 EUR / semester
Contact Us
1111 Budapest, Muegyetem rakpart 3.